Monstress Wikia

An Inquistrix, and sister in arms along side the Hammer, Tong and Needle. She has a habit of eating sunflower seeds and leaving the shells everywhere.


Flay has short white hair and wears dark red lipstick. She wears a hooded robe down to her feet. Her insignia is at the center of the hood, just above her eyes. The sword she uses is sheathed on her left side.


[v · e · ?]
Monstress Cast
Main Group: Maika Halfwolf  •  Corvin  •  Kippa  •  Ren  •  Zinn
Blood Court: Lord Doctor
Brothers Imura: Seizi  •  Kenzi  •  Jan  •  Liza  •  Old Tooth  •  Syryssa
Cumaea: Atena  •  Sophia  •  Flay  •  Gull  •  Needle  •  Hammer  •  Tong
Dawn Court: Queen of Wolves  •  Warlord  •  Monkey King
Dusk Court: Corvin  •  Tanno  •  Tuya
Federation: Anuwat  •  Brito  •  Resak
Isle of Bones: Blood Fox  •  Ferryman
Old Gods: Old Dagon  •  Desteria  •  Dreamer  •  Gull  •  Yvette
Pontus: Fong  •  Vihn Nem
Ravenna: Bettani D'oro
Shaman-Empress: Marium  •  Moriko Halfwolf  •  Shaman Empress  •  Zinn
Thyria: Alayna  •  Queen of Thyria
Wave Court: Va'lan
Supporting Cast: Ilsa