Monstress Wikia

Syryssa is the Captain of the Jolly Ravager. Many years ago, she acted as navigator when Moriko went to the Isle of Bones. Now, she helps Maika do the same.


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Monstress Cast
Main Group: Maika Halfwolf  •  Corvin  •  Kippa  •  Ren  •  Zinn
Blood Court: Lord Doctor
Brothers Imura: Seizi  •  Kenzi  •  Jan  •  Liza  •  Old Tooth  •  Syryssa
Cumaea: Atena  •  Sophia  •  Flay  •  Gull  •  Needle  •  Hammer  •  Tong
Dawn Court: Queen of Wolves  •  Warlord  •  Monkey King
Dusk Court: Corvin  •  Tanno  •  Tuya
Federation: Anuwat  •  Brito  •  Resak
Isle of Bones: Blood Fox  •  Ferryman
Old Gods: Old Dagon  •  Desteria  •  Dreamer  •  Gull  •  Yvette
Pontus: Fong  •  Vihn Nem
Ravenna: Bettani D'oro
Shaman-Empress: Marium  •  Moriko Halfwolf  •  Shaman Empress  •  Zinn
Thyria: Alayna  •  Queen of Thyria
Wave Court: Va'lan
Supporting Cast: Ilsa